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ConSpiriti concentrated mixers

Prices include packing and postage to the UK.

Quite Simply a Revelation

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Take equal measures of gin and ConSpiriti mixer over ice, add a suitable garnish and stir well.  Top with 2-3 measures of soda water, and enjoy!

we're passionate about our mixers...

We carefully craft our ConSpiriti mixers with love to make sure they taste great and bring out the very best in the gins and spirits they're mixed with. Our handcrafted tonic mixers, ConSpiriti Concentrated Mixers really are the superior essence of tonic water.  Add just as much sparkling or soda water as you wish to produce beautifully-balanced cocktails perfectly suited to your taste - a giant step up from mass-produced pre-mixed tonics.


We make different ConSpiriti mixers to pair with different styles of gin - just pick the mixers that go with your gins of choice.  So, if you like London dry gins, they'll work well with our Classic or new Really Rich mixer.  But it's also about experimenting and finding the pairings that work best for you! 


You can mix ConSpiriti Mixers with gin and sparkling, still, or soda water - or omit the gin for a delicious non-alcoholic and rather grown-up spritzer, perfect for summer afternoons.


Each 500ml bottle of concentrated mixer makes the equivalent of 10 x 200ml bottles of pre-mixed tonic.

Handmade in Winchester, UK, using only natural ingredients.

Keep in the fridge after opening and use within three months.

Your mixers taste great. Being able to regulate the flavours to suit is a massive boon over the often heavy-handed approach of some tonic waters.

AB, Edinburgh

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